
Volunteer Opportunities

After creating a project, you must define the volunteering opportunities associated with the project. An opportunity is essentially a role and a time, but with a few more options and nuances.

To define opportunities, go to Volunteers > Manage Projects, find the project, and choose Define volunteer opportunities.

!!! summary “Technical note” “Volunteering opportunities” were formerly called “volunteering needs” and some of the old language still persists within the CiviVolunteer codebase and documentation.

Characteristics of a volunteering opportunity


Each opportunity must have a role to specify what type of work is to be done with the volunteering.

Defining your roles {:#defining-roles}

CiviVolunteer has a few pre-defined roles, but you will likely need to add your own roles for the specific needs of your organization.

To add and edit roles, go to Volunteers > Configure Roles.

!!! tip The roles defined within CiviVolunteer are used across all volunteering projects, so if you plan to have a large number of projects you may want to think about what set of roles you can best define to apply to all of them.

When defining roles, you can use the Description field to provide additional information about the role. The description is used in the following places.


Opportunities can specify the time frame using the following different “schedule types”: