


Use the following steps to install CiviVolunteer.

  1. Administer > System Settings > Extensions
  2. Add New
  3. Sort by name
  4. Find, download, and install both of these extensions:
    • CiviVolunteer
    • Angular Profiles

      !!! caution “” CiviVolunteer requires this additional extension, Angular Profiles, in order to function properly.

  5. If necessary, click Enable after the extension has been downloaded and installed. When the extension is enabled:

    • CiviVolunteer should show up as green-highlighted.
    • The option to Disable it will be present.

Discovering features after installing {:#discovery}

After installing, CiviVolunteer’s features can be found in the following places:

Permissions {:#permissions}

CiviVolunteer adds a handful of new permissions which should be configured within your CMS before using.


If you no longer wish to use CiviVolunteer, you may disable it, or uninstall it.